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泰达医院拥有一支高素质的专家队伍,享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴人员2名,副高职以上专家61 人,具有博士学位的6人、硕士学位17人。医院始终瞄准医学技术发展前沿,逐步形成了自己的技术优势和专业特色。其中血液净化、营养代谢支持、呼吸机治疗在危重病中的联合应用;急性脑挫伤的亚低温治疗、脑积水与脑卒中的治疗、颅骨缺损的手术治疗;运动创伤、骨关节置换、脊柱外科;血管外科;喉微创手术、面神经麻痹的诊断与治疗;妇科微创手术;新生儿疾病的诊治、儿童哮喘的规范治疗等处于国内先进水平。

Introduction to TEDA Hospital

TEDA Hospital, which was established in 1990, began to construct a new and enlarged site by permit of Tianjin Municipal Government in 2005 to meet the demands of the opening of Tianjin Binhai New Area and the growing local medical and health care. The new site is situated east of TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital, west of Beihai Lu, covering an area of 44363.24m2, with a building area of 78000 m2, including Comprehensive Medical Treatment Area of 70000 m2 , Emergency Center of 5000 m2, Vocational Diseases Prevention Center of 3000 m2. The main body is a 12-storey building,with a total investment value of RMB530 million yuan, built in accordance with the State standards of Hospitals for Grade I, Category III. It combines the functions of treatment, teaching, research, prevention & health care, and rehabilitation. It has 500 beds for patients, 15000 annual admissions, 2500 daily out-patient consultations, 8000 annual operations, 150 daily emergency cases, 8 pass-cases each time. The value of its total medical instruments and equipment comes to RMB140 million yuan. The hospital is equipped with a whole-body CT scanner, a MRI scanner, an ECT, various fibre endoscopes, Color Doppler Ultrasonography and other advanced medical devices as well as advanced wholly purified operation rooms, Intensive Care Center. Also set up here is a long-distance diagnosis center, forming an emergency system which includes ICU treatment both outside and inside the hospital, capable to admit a great number of injured patients 24 hours a day.
We have consistently strived to offer quality services. We base the growth of our hospital on scientific research and attracting talents. We focus on emergency medicine, osteopathic medicine, sports medicine, neurosurgical science, gynecology and obstetrics, otorhinolaryngology, urology, general surgery, digestion medicine, metabolism as major fields to develop. In the meanwhile we intend for high capability for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chemical vocational injuries and diseases. 。
TEDA Hospital boasts a team of high-quality medical experts, including 2 who enjoy special government allowances issued by the State Council, 61 who have an associate senior professional title or above, 6 doctor degree holders and 17 master degree holders. It consistently concerns fronts of medical techniques and has formed its own advantages and specialties which are at advanced levels in China: integrated use of blood purification, nutrient metabolic support, life-support machine for serious patients; sub hypothermia treatment of acute brain contusion, treatment of hydrocephaly and brain stroke, operation treatment of defect of skull;athletic injury, replacement of bone joints, Spinal Surgery;vessel surgery; minimally invasive operation for larynx, diagnosis and cure of facial nerve paralysis;minimally invasive operation for women patients; treatment of neonatal diseases, and child asthma.
TEDA Hospital highlights a patient-centered philosophy of service, facilitating them in every treatment aspect to safeguard their interests and social returns as first priority, thus providing high-quality medical and health care service for all patients from various places.

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